When Yahushua the Messiah stated that he did not come to destroy the law or the prophets, but rather, he came to fulfill it (perform it).
(Matthew_5:17); the question can be asked, does that statement apply to the dietary food law? (see The dietary food law, does it still apply?) If you are convicted that the dietary food law is for today, then the question must be asked: "Is the food that I am eating kosher?" The law concerning kosher food is found in Leviticus chapter eleven and Deuteronomy chapter fourteen.
There was a time when all food preparations were done in the family's own kitchen. Back then, it was obvious that pig's feet were not kosher, and ice cream was. In the past few decades, however, there has been a revolution in the way we eat. Almost 90 percent of our food is now processed before reaching our kitchens.
The problem that many encounter when they decide to start eating kosher, is the many different ingredients that are listed on food products. It would almost require a person to have a degree in chemistry, to know the origin of most of those listed ingredients. People who decide to keep kosher, after living a life as a gentile, often feel that it is quite difficult. Actually, keeping kosher is not particularly difficult in and of itself; what makes it difficult to keep kosher is the fact that the rest of the world does not do so.
One solution to this dilemma is to rely on kosher symbols that are found on many products. They are placed there by Yehudi (Jewish) organizations whose primary function is to certify that a product is kosher. There are quite a few organizations with their own symbol (many of which are listed below). These organizations were formed to assure consumers that appropriately processed foods can be bought with confidence. I have personally found these symbols to be a real blessing. In the same way that the religious Yehudim (Jews) have preserved the scriptures throughout the ages, so that we can benefit from them today, they (the religious Jews) have also made it much easier to follow the kosher food laws of our Heavenly Father. Even though many of these kosher organizations expand upon the laws of keeping kosher, (for instance, they do not believe in eating meat and milk together) these kosher symbols are still a real blessing to those who were raised gentiles, but now feel drawn to live their life as an Israelite. The following are some of the more popular kosher symbols found in the United States. These symbols are registered trademarks of kosher certification organizations, and cannot be placed on a food label without the organization's permission.
The Union of Orthodox Jewish
Congregations (OU). Telephone: 212-563-4000
Organized Kashruth Laboratories
(OK). Telephone: 718-756-7500
Kof-K. Telephone: 201-837-0500
Star K.
Telephone: 410-484-4110
Overseers Associates of America. Telephone: 213-870-0011
Kosher Supervision of
America. Telephone: 310-282-0444
Rabbinical Council. Telephone: 312-588-1600
The Vaad Hakashrus of Denver. Telephone:
Texas K Kosher Supervision. Telephone:
Vaad Hakashrus of Massachusetts.
Telephone: 617-426-2139
National Kashrut. Telephone:
Montreal Vaad Hair. Telephone:
Hashruth Council of Toronto.
Telephone: 416-635-9550
A warning about the "plain k" mark, which is found on many products. This symbol is not trademarked, and is therefore much less reliable than the other kosher symbols. That is why products, such as Jello gelatin, has this mark, even though it contains ingredients made from the pig.
For a complete listing of kosher symbols (world wide), including organization's name, location and phone number, go to the following links:
The following link is a list of ingredients and additives found in many products: