Chapter 2


Before I began my research, I was under the impression that all Biblical scholars/commentators held the view that the Sabbath day ran from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. I was amazed to discover that many commentators believe that the Sabbath day begins at dawn/sunrise on Saturday. Some believe the Sabbath is reckoned from sunrise to sunrise, while others believe that it begins at dawn and ends at dark (the position I take). There are some commentators who believe that the bible indicates both sunset and sunrise reckonings. Clearly, all of these positions cannot be correct, and somewhere along the line, human tradition has crept into some of these conclusions.


The ultimate question, of course, is how does Elohim define a day? Is there a pattern running throughout the scriptures that tells us when a day begins? Yes, there is. And we will find that the 7th day (Sabbath) begins just as any other average day in scripture begins.

The Biblical definition for a day as defined by Elohim Himself can be stated in 6 words. "And Elohim called the LIGHT DAY " (Genesis 1:5). Does this definition seem too simple? Please stay with me and I believe that you will find that it is very simple.

If we keep in mind that LIGHT = DAY, pure and simple, numerous scriptures will become crystal clear. Take Genesis 2:3 for an example. Here, Elohim blesses and sets apart the seventh DAY. (in other words, Elohim blesses and sets apart the 7th PERIOD OF LIGHT). Please note that Elohim does NOT bless or set apart the NIGHT that follows the 7th DAY. Only the 7th LIGHT (we will cover day and night in greater detail shortly).

Now we can take a look at the 4th Commandment found in Exodus Chapter 20:8, "Remember the Sabbath DAY (LIGHT), to keep it set apart." Verse 10 explains to us not only what day the Sabbath is on, but also how long the day lasts.". . But the seventh DAY (LIGHT) is the Sabbath of YHWH thy Elohim. ." (or DAWN to DARK).

We will come back and look at the rest of Genesis 1:5 and a number of other scriptures in Genesis, but first I would like to ask the question, what could possibly stand in the way of accepting this simple truth? If Elohim calls the LIGHT DAY, why do most people say that a day is a 24 hour period beginning at sunset? I believe the answer is found in a place where those of us who search the scriptures daily, seeking Elohim's truth, do not wish to find it. In the powerful arms of non-biblical tradition. As I noted above, even scholars get held by those powerful arms now and then.

Chapter 3 / Index